by Britt

by Britt

Confessions of a…

Lessons, teachings and tips & tricks based on Enneagram types for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful days and moments when you are learning how to manifest your true self.

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TWO Britt Ward TWO Britt Ward

Confessions of a TWO: The Selfless Soul

Caleb has always been an amazing big brother! He became a big brother almost at age 3 and has loved and devoted himself to his sisters since their births. I remember a time that Hailey was about nine-months old. She was the adventurous one. Always crawling around and getting into things that she shouldn’t. This particular day, she had crawled up onto the couch and was about to be on the top of the couch. This worried her big brother, who ran across the house yelling, “No, Hailey [which was pronounced Hayye]! You will fall from there!” But in the process of running to her, Caleb trips over something on the living room floor and falls down.

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TWO Britt Ward TWO Britt Ward

Confessions of a TWO: The Fortune Cookie

Then I had this novel idea that the fortune cookie makers should have fortunes in some of the cookies that simply say “You should help your mom with the dishes” or something more clever. That will certainly prompt some helping out in the kitchen!

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