by Britt
Confessions of a…
Lessons, teachings and tips & tricks based on Enneagram types for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful days and moments when you are learning how to manifest your true self.
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Confessions of a TWO Parenting a FOUR: Psalms 102 and the Roll of Toilet Paper
Now to find the perfect Psalms to illustrate what I’m talking about. My mind, of course, goes blank. Alright, Holy Spirit. Help me out again. I quickly find Psalms and just look at the first scripture that opens up. Psalms 102. Not ringing any bells of recollection and I try to do a little scan before deciding to just start reading.
Confessions of a FOUR: Crazy Socks and Costumes
She was never excited about school unless it was a special day where the students could wear pajamas or a costume. In fact, with all this virtual learning, she was never excited to wake up early to get on her class Zoom call unless it was a themed day (sorry Mrs. Salik). If it was a themed day, then she would have her outfit all planned and laid out the night before.
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